Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Update: Game 5 Hawks won, lead series 3-2. Lucy is excited but knows not to get overconfident.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009


#300 million

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Looks precious doesn't she?  You want to snuggle her and smooch on her and put her in your pocket don't you?  You're thinking "what a darling, precious child" aren't you?  Well, you should have spent the day with her today.  The pediatrician warned us at the last appointment that it's not really the "terrible twos" it's the terrible 18 months to 2 years she said.  Little did we know that we should have asked Lucy to kindly step out of the room before the doctor gave us this little snippet of information.  Lucy heard these words and decided not to wait another month for the fun to begin.  Why not immediately start pitching temper tantrums, demanding to have your way ALL.THE.TIME and screaming an ear splitting and blood curdling scream when you don't get it.  Why not go ahead and start resisting being buckled into your car seat, being fed with a spoon, taking medicine, and getting your diaper changed?  That's right people looks can be deceiving and you do not want to put her in your pocket- she'd probably bite you.  
P.S. Anybody want to babysit?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Get down

to the sounds of the plumpy drummer! Credit for using the baby pots and pans as a drum kit goes to Grandmother Holler (Mimsy).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

15 Month Check-up

Today Lucy had her 15 month doctor's visit.  She got stuck 3 times- MMR and varicella vaccines and a finger stick to check for anemia.  She did not enjoy being stuck.  She also cried at the beginning when she got weighed and measured.  I don't know why this bothered her- all I can figure is that she realized that she was the only nude person around and felt vulnerable.  She usually has no problem being the nude one.
Anyway, her current stats are as follows:
weight: 21 lbs 5 oz
height: 29.5 inches
head circumference- gi-normous
She remains firmly on the petite side but she's growing well on her own growth curve.  The doctor was impressed with her developmental milestones.  We did have another ear infection diagnosed (this makes 3 this year) and we're starting antibiotics and have to go back in 3 weeks for an "ear check."  Hopefully, everything will be clear and we can move on.  If not, I'm afraid that there will be rumblings of tubes and while I certainly do not want that- I also don't like exposing her to all of these antibiotics.
The most interesting development from this visit, in my opinion, is that the pediatrician allowed that her chronic runny nose and dry cough could, in fact, be due to allergies!  We were given the all clear to start antihistamines and see if they help.  I started her on Zyrtec last week and it does seem to be helping, but it's good to know the pediatrician is on board.  I am going to switch her to Claritin though because it's non-drowsy and the Zyrtec pretty much knocks her out (although that has it's advantages as well).  Hope all is well with our blog readers.  May your noses run clear and your ears stay dry!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Wizard of Ahhs


Lucy can put herself in her high chair. Granted, in this instance the other chair was facing it, but that was for feeding, not to help her get up.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I've been contemplating genetics a fair amount in the past couple of days.  Why? You ask. I have a daughter who looks a lot like me, but acts a lot like her father.  Wes and I are great together because we are very different.  Our personalities compliment they do NOT match. So seeing Lucy looking like me and acting like Wes is a little disconcerting.  You can see the pictures above to verify the lookin like me part and I'll detail for you now the ways Lucy is like Wes.
1.  Sleep- I'm a sleep lover.  Both Wes and Lucy could take it or leave it
2a.  Fearlessness- I am full o' the fear.  Not so much with my two dare devils
2b.  Heights- I'm scared of tall flights of stairs Wes wants to base jump.  Lucy was recently found swinging from the kitchen chandelier (I kid you not).
3.  Overall good nature- I am sarcastic and love a good whine.  My husband and daughter are both easy going and good natured.
4.  Enjoyment of change and new surroundings- Lucy and Wes are both go go go.  I'm take a long bath and hang out at my own house in my pjs kinda girl
All that said Lucy is the boss.  She gets this from me.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Baby You Can Drive My Car

Lucy's buddy Haden came to visit this weekend.  He brought with him his shiny red car.  After a quick review of how to drive it he let Lucy take over.
Don't forget your shades! 
Aaaaannnndd now she won't even let Haden touch the car without screaming "NO NO NO NO NO!" at him.  Poor Haden- this is just like a woman.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter egg time

Teaser. More tommorrow