Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2 Month Check-up

Today Lucy had her 2 month doctor's appointment, which means she got vaccinations.  5 shots and 1 oral vaccine total.  She was an incredible trouper- tough as nails.  She fussed a little when they were sticking her, but she didn't carry on afterward.  In fact while I was putting her clothes back on her she shared a smile with me.  She weighs a healthy 9 lbs 12 oz and the doctor said she appears to be doing extremely well.  Yeah breastfeeding!  I know that she'd be doing well regardless, but I have been so anxious about making sure that she is a good weight and getting the nutrition she needs- it is nice to have solid doctor approved proof that she is thriving.  She is meeting all of her developmental milestones- smiling (she started that at 4 weeks- because her mom and papa are hilarious), cooing, holding her head up, etc.  She learns a new trick everyday.
I took her with me to vote after her appointment.  I showed her how much fun it is to exercise your right to vote.  I think it made an impression.  She was pretty cranky going into the polling place so I thought she would scream the entire time I was voting, but as soon as I started filling in the paperwork she settled down and enjoyed the process.  I brought her home after and we discussed why it is important to vote.


DeepRoot said...

I voted today too but I bet we voted for different candidates. See, Elmo wasn't on the ballot in New York. Thanks for Lucy's birth announcement; it's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Woah, shots & voting on the same day! Humm somehow, the shots may have been the least painful event, lol:) Much love to the lucy.