Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Tooth, etc

Lucy has been very busy this past week.  During the first part of the week she was busy making a tooth in secret.  Neither Wes or I had a clue she was teething.  On Monday when Wes picked her up from daycare her babysitter told him about the tooth she found.  She said that she had noticed Lucy trying to put her whole hand in her mouth (she's been doing this for awhile, but I just thought she was working on a party trick) so she felt around in her mouth and low and behold a tooth just barely peeking through the gum on the bottom.  I immediately freaked out because I was supposed to have another couple of months before I had to deal with teething.  I ran out and stocked up on orajel and teething rings (which she loves- see photo) and started reading everything I could on teething.  Some good news I learned- the first two teeth are supposed to be the most trouble- and we didn't even notice the first one until it had already broken the surface!  Lucy is pointing to it in one of the pictures (see it?).
Today she had her 4 month check up and her doctor confirmed the presence of the tooth.  Her doctor also verified that she is perfect in every way.  I asked about starting solids and she said that since we were doing so well with breast feeding we should hold off on solids until she is closer to six months.  I was really looking forward to feeding her cereal, but as the doctor said- she's got the whole rest of her life to eat solids.  Lucy is meeting all of her developmental milestones and the doctor was really impressed with her hair!  In conclusion I will leave you with her latest stats
weight: 12lbs 5oz (25th percentile)
height: 25in (75th percentile)
head circumference: 16.5in (75th percentile)
Oh yeah after all the build up the ped. didn't want to vaccinate (see her bandaids in the pic?) and pierce ears on the same day so we've got to go back for the bling.


Anonymous said...

i gotta get me some of those teething rings. Yum.

Anonymous said...

Cuteness: 101th percentile!