Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Goodbye Mullet

Well, I am sad to report that after several comments by certain family members (you know who you are) and in preparation for her portrait sitting next week- I took Lucy for a haircut. Her mullet now resides in a little plastic baggy. Afterward, I felt like I had had an important part of her removed. Don't get me wrong, she's still cute as a button, but her shaggy hair was a unique quality and I had it removed. It will be a long long time before I will do that again- I might just wait until Lucy can ask herself for the next haircut. Hopefully, having the hair off her neck (and ears and forehead) will make her more comfortable in this summer heat and make meal time less messy. Anyway, here is photographic evidence of my crime.


Anonymous said...

she's still freakin' cute. but the lil punkrocker we knew and loved is gone....for now.

Anonymous said...

Still the most beautiful baby ever, mullet or no.