Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today Lucy and I attended the birthday party of one of her daycare buddies. The party was at Build-A-Bear at the Mall of Georgia (read: you're not getting out of here without spending at least $20). The Mall of Georgia is not close to our house, but in the name of making sure Lucy's social life gets off on the right foot, we made the trek. Lucy has recently stopped sleeping- no naps and she's not falling asleep at night until 10:30-11p so she was in a super mood when we left the house. I was anticipating a disaster of magnificent proportions, but I was pleasantly surprised. She picked out a bunny to build. None of the other kids picked the bunny- I thought this was significant because had it been me I would have gotten whatever all the other kids were picking, but not Lucy she wanted the bunny and did not care that just about everybody else got a turkey. She didn't like the machine that stuffed the animals because it was too loud, but she liked picking out clothes for it. I tried to sway her in the direction of a ballerina costume or a princess dress, but Lucy selected a pink sequined top and jeans and some ugg boots (I also pushed for converse footwear, but she wasn't having it). And the icing on the cake- she named her Penelope. I gave her several name options and Penelope was her choice. She actually says "Eh low pee."
All this to say- she is my child, but she is not me. She is becoming her own person more and more everyday. I am equally delighted and confused by our many differences. As we approach her second birthday I love seeing her personality blossom and grow.


Uncle Lanko said...

who would possibly want a stuffed turkey??

GrannyL said...

I think a bunny was an obvious choice--