Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Potty Training

For those of you that follow me on facebook you know that we are potty training. The first two days were unbelievably awful. I was frustrated, Lucy was frustrated and wet, and my washing machine was begging for mercy. Lucy peed on everything in the house twice and a few things elsewhere. I was ready to pack it in. I bought a bunch of diapers and planned to wait a month or two and try again. Then, probably because I'd dropped some cash on diapers, she just got it. I can count the accidents she's had since that day on one hand. She wears big girl panties except at naptime and bedtime and she will (almost) always tell you when she needs to go. She has had a few accidents since then (sorry Christi, sorry Oakhurst playground), but overall, I've been impressed. When am I going to finally realize that as far as this parenting thing goes if you go with the flow things tend to just work themselves out?
Look how proud she is of herself.
Of course, I also think the "Lucy pee peed in the potty" dance had something to do with the miraculous transformation. No, I will not be posting video of me doing this dance, but if you come over for a visit and ask nicely I might show you.
I asked Wes the other day how he felt about having a big girl instead of a baby now. He said "Well, I don't guess I've got much of a choice." I would just like to take this opportunity to reiterate that it doesn't matter how big she gets or how many grown up things she can do. She will ALWAYS be my baby.


GrannyL said...

And our grandest baby---

The life of MMR said...

My mom says FINALLY!!! Tell the big girl I say hi!!!

Bridgett said...

Boy! I do remember those days very well and yes she is a big girl now.