Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dear Lucy

I love you more than you will ever know, and I think you are the smartest 2.75 year old I have ever met. Since you are so extremely intelligent I thought that you might remember how unpleasant it was when you had to go to the ER to have corn removed from one of your nares. Apparently, this traumatic event made a bigger impression on me that in did on you. Today I was able to use my small object shoved up nostril retrieval skills once again. No ER trip was necessary, but come ON! Just stop putting stuff up there!


Catie said...

Did you do the "mouth to mouth" technique you told me about?

GrannyL said...

It made a pretty big impression on Granny , too.Glad I missed round 2.

Uncle Lanko said...

Lucy!!! Stop freaking everybody out!

Krs10 said...

It may be time for a mommy lie. "Lucy, next time you stick something up your nose, it's gonna start growing out of your mouth".