Monday, February 14, 2011

The Apple Tree

Last night Lucy and I went outside with chalk to decorate the driveway. Lucy wanted me to draw an apple tree. I drew the apple tree then Lucy wanted a dragon to guard it (Harold and the Purple Crayon reference). Then she asked for a boat and an ant with an ant home. Then Lucy acted out this story:

There once was a little girl named Lucy who was playing in her yard when suddenly she saw an ENORMOUS ant. At first, she was very scared of the ant and ran away, but after thinking the situation through she decided to introduce herself to the ant. As it turns out, he was a friendly ant named Andy.

Lucy asked Andy if he would like to go for a ride in her boat. Andy said he had never been on a boat before and he was a bit scared. Lucy picked Andy up and gently tucked him under her arm. Together, they climbed into the boat and set sail. Andy snuggled close to Lucy until he was no longer afraid.

After they had been sailing for quite sometime Lucy and Andy realized that they were hungry. They made land without much trouble. Lucy spotted a beautiful apple tree and thought apples would be the perfect snack.

However, this apple tree was guarded by a fierce dragon. Gathering all her courage, Lucy tiptoed to the tree and, being careful not to disturb the sleeping dragon, she climbed the tree and picked two apples.

The dragon never woke from his deep slumber and Lucy and Andy enjoyed their apples together.

The End

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Uncle Lanko said...

Andy the Ant is my friend, too.

Anonymous said...

I would love to go on adventures with Lucy and Andy.

Krs10 said...

Get that girl a book deal!