Monday, June 23, 2008

Lunch with Maddie

A couple of weeks ago Lucy and I went to lunch with our friends Marla and Maddie. Maddie is 10 months old and she shared one of her zwieback toasts with Lucy. Lucy loved the toast and made a terrific mess with it. We now reserve the zwiebacks for dining out because they keep her entertained for a good hour. We had a great time at lunch and hope to get together with Maddie and Marla again soon! Our adventures in solid foods have included: bananas, oatmeal, rice cereal, sweet potatos and peas. So far the peas are her favorite. She is getting much better at eating- more ends up in her tummy, less on her face! Lucy discovered that she could make consonant sounds this week. She says ba ba ba ba and da da da da and uh oh! Of course these "words" are just sounds, but she is quite chatty. Once she figures talking out I think we're going to have a fantastic conversationalist on our hands. This week we have started sleep training. Up until now Lucy has been sleeping with us- which has its benefits, but also some serious drawbacks and after weeks of being slapped awake by tiny hands in the middle of the night I'm ready to have my bed back. Last night was the first night of operation- Reclaim-the-grown-up-bed, and it went pretty well. Wes is the linch pin in the operation as he is very patient and willing to soothe her while she fusses. I can't stand the crying and tend to give in after about 30 seconds of crying so I cover my ears and let Wes take the helm. She only fussed for 15 minutes the first time (9pm) then she woke up at 1am to nurse then back to the pack and play. This time she cried for 10 minutes and the last time at 6am she nursed again and didn't really cry at all when we transfered her to the pack and play. The best part- she slept in this morning- until 10am! I couldn't believe it! Wish us luck that sleep training continues to go well- Momma is tired.


Anonymous said...

seems to me she might be skattin' a little bit. boo de bop bop bop ba da. Get the girl a mic.

Anonymous said...

Really? Peas? Green peas? Most kids don't know what's good for them and won't have anything to do with peas. She's one smart cookie!

Lucy seems to adjust pretty well to change, so after another night or two she'll be happy to go to the p&p.