Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Letter to Marissa

Dear Marissa,
You are the coolest older cousin ever and I want to be just like you.  Everyday I ask mom "Can I eat peas like Marissa?" "Can I crawl like Marissa?" "Can I sit up by myself like Marissa?" and everyday her reply is the same- "Not today", until today!  Today I asked "Can I get my ears pierced like Marissa's?"  And mom said Yes!  We went to the pediatrician's office and I got beautiful sparkly earrings.  It hurt a little, but not any worse than all those vaccinations they insist on giving me.  I feel like I am so much cooler than I was yesterday because I'm more like you, Marissa.  Thanks for being a cousin I can look up to!
Addendum: From Lucy's Mom
Lucy was once again a real trouper while we poked holes in her little body.  She hasn't complained since the initial hole poking so I think we're going to be fine.  I think the earrings look huge in her ears, but it's probably just because she has tiny little ears.  
Over the weekend we went to Milledgeville to visit with some relatives and Lucy got to hang out with Marissa a little bit.  When we left Lucy would not stop talking about Marissa this and Marissa that.  I keep telling her that soon very soon she will catch up and the three months age difference will seem like nothing, but Lucy seems to be in a big hurry to grow up.  I know to Lucy time seems to be moving slowly, but to me it's zipping by at light speed.  I wish the days would slow down so I can catch my breath and really marinate in the miracles that happen everyday.


Anonymous said...

Lucy got her bling!!!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations on the earrings, Lucy! How much longer do you have to wait for the tattoos?

Punk Rock!