Monday, December 29, 2008

Feeling better already

Lucy is sick

That's the only way she snuggles pops.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas week pt 1

Photos from last weekend in North GA mountains with Hollers.

christmas eve breakfast

Monday, December 22, 2008

An Odyssey

Video here. (Im not embedding the video like usual because the still gives it away in a way that I do not like, I'll embed it in a couple days maybe) Update:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How about this apple?

I actually took this picture with Wes's phone because I couldn't find the camera. I started this apple for her then handed it over and she was working on it so intently with her little hands wrapped around the apple I thought to myself- I want to remember this forever- resulting in a mad scramble for a camera that was no where to be found. I was able to locate the blackberry though! Someday when I'm old and I don't remember so well any more I want some one to show me this picture of a tiny little girl eating a great big apple.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Comment Moderation

Comment Moderation has been turned off- after much pleading from Wes. Now when you comment it will show on the blog immediately I will not be screening so don't say anything that might hurt Lucy's feelings.- Happy Commenting!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Parking lot

Jacket rider

Haden's Birthday Party

We went to Athens this weekend to go to Haden's First Birthday party! We had so much fun. There were blow-up bouncy things that Lucy really enjoyed bouncing on and there was yummy food and cake. Santa even showed up for a little while. Lucy was not too interested in Santa. She just wanted to look at him from a safe distance. Lucy was very cute in her beautiful dress that Granny gave her last weekend at her birthday party. Overall, we has an awesome time! We have been so blessed to have Haden and his family in our lives this past year. I'm not sure what I would have done without Danielle. With all the blessings becoming a mother brings it also brings with it uncertainty and a certain amount of loneliness. Danielle and Haden have been constants in our lives bringing friendship and comfort at just the right times. Watching Lucy and Haden grow together over the year has been amazing and we're looking forward to what the next year will bring!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Birthday Blanket

Lucy loves her new blanket that is the perfect Lucy size. She carries it around and plays peek-a-boo with it. The best part- it came with love all the way from LA! Thank you Uncle Lanko and Aunt Krs10- we love you!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

The party is over

but pictures will come. Unfortunately I lost a whole lot of them (I made a mistake downloading them). Lucy had a fun pink + orange party.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

So I Admit I'm a Lactavist

This is my official breastfeeding testimonial. You have been spared many breastfeeding diatribes on this blog thus far so I think one is in order. Breastfeeding was NOT easy for us at first. Lucy could not latch at first and after consulting several lactation consultants at the hospital a plan was devised. I would use a nipple shield and pump 15 minutes before and after each nursing session. Here's the thing newborns nurse every 2 hours (from the beginning of a session) and for 20 minutes on each breast so if you do the math 30 min of pumping plus 40 min of nursing leaves less than 1 hour for being up and mobile. The first 5 days were the hardest days of my life. I was exhausted and I really really thought that this nursing thing was not going to work out. My original goal going into having a baby was 6 months of breastfeeding, but in those first few days I believed I was watching my breastfeeding relationship crash and burn before it ever took off. So I decided to revise my goals. I would just keep breastfeeding today and maybe I'd stop tomorrow. Surprisingly, we made it through one week then two, three and before you knew it we were at 6 weeks and finally able to wean Lucy from the nipple shield. Things were going pretty well at that point and I was growing more confident. Then I went back to work and it was a constant battle to pump enough for daycare. Pumping did help me feel more connected to Lucy when I was away from her because I was caring for her even when I wasn't with her, but it was also a real pain and I was always stressed about pumping enough. I soldiered on, however, telling myself- just make it through this week. Finally, I found my groove with pumping. Then Lucy sprouted teeth. The bottom teeth were no problem, but the top teeth were a whole different story. It took several months for us to work through teething issues, but we persevered and made it to 6 months and beyond. Last week Lucy turned 1 and we are still nursing. Recently, I have had several people ask (with a tone that implies they think I should quit nursing now) if I'm STILL nursing or just how LONG do I plan to continue. Well, let me answer that question with some facts. Breast fed babies have been shown to be slightly more intelligent and this increases with the amount of time they are breast fed. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding (no solid food at all) until 6 months then continued breastfeeding with solid feeding until at LEAST one year. The World Health Organization recommends 2 years. So I plan to breast feed until around 2. Breastfeeding has already been extremely beneficial to both Lucy and me. She hasn't had a single ear infection or any reason to be on antibiotics her entire first year. She has never ever been constipated or had problems with gas. I have never had to purchase formula and nursing her reminded me and forced me in the early days to slow down. It still does actually. I have to sit and take a break to feed her and they are precious moments when I am able to focus just on her. Anytime, she is hurt and needs comfort I have the the ultimate comfort food for her. So while it hasn't always been easy or convenient it has been rewarding and we have made it to 1 year! The key was persistence and taking it one day at a time and I am so glad that I didn't give up and I am thankful for all the support from other mothers along the way. So in celebration- here's a sneak peak at one of Lucy's 12 month portraits.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lucy is 1

So today was Lucy's actual birthday - though the main festivities will be this weekend. Today she just got to go to Eats for dinner of Sweet Potato, Mac + Cheese, and Lima beans (which she usually likes but not tonight). She also had a cupcake at the babysitter's and apparently ate the whole thing (Allison made cupcakes for all the kids). It's been a wonderful year for Lucy, us, and of course the blog. Stay tuned.