Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Career Aspirations

You may have seen this on FB but for posterity:
Lucy: Momma, when I'm 16 I'm going to join the army
Me: Oh yeah, what job are you going have in the army?
Lucy: I'm going to fight! With my purse!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Playlist update

Luz told me the other day, "I like your music now". This is welcome news but I'm not sure exactly what it means. Regardless here are a few artists that she has expressed fondness for lately: Cults (though Cults is pretty much kids music in style and lyrical content) Prince (she likes to dance) New Pornographers (for those unfamiliar only thing pornographic is band name, I do still censor music played in her presence for sex, violence, and bad language)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011


According to Wes- Lucy did great. He said she was better behaved and more polite for the people at the dentist's office than she was for him the rest of the day. She did not have any cavities, but the dentist did say her teeth are very close together and she will probably need braces down the line. Wes and I both spent significant amounts of time in the orthodontist's chair as teenagers and it looks like we've shared the love. Lucy won prizes throughout the visit and came home with a bag full of oral hygiene goodies- toothbrush, toothpaste, timer for brushing, toothbrush travel cap, flossers, floss, and some plastic toy junk. She apparently had a great time and has been requesting a return trip.