Friday, May 2, 2008

Lucy in a Bag

I'm pretty sure this is not what Haden's mom thought I would put in this bag when she gave it to me, but while she is this small I pretty much try to stuff Lucy into any bag/basket/box that we get just to see if it will make a cute picture.  She didn't fit in her easter basket from Aunt Mandie, but as you can see she crammed quite nicely into this bag from Aunt Danielle.  Thank you Aunt Danielle!  For those of you that would like to get to know Lucy's future husband better he has his own blog now- you can check him out!
Today Lucy's plans involve supervising while I clean the house, taking a walk around the block and getting a bath.  As I mentioned in the last post Lucy takes her baths very seriously.  I think she enjoys them as she kicks and splashes the whole time, but she doesn't smile.  Her expression is always one of mild concern. Will this be the time mommy accidentally lets me drown?  I don't think she trusts me with water.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget your receipt!

dehumidifier said...

Baths are very serious business. I'm glad Lucy has figured this out at an early age.

Anonymous said...

Given her mother and father's predilections, I'm guessing that look of mild concern relates to the quality of bath products (organic & cruelty-free, please!) and the current drought status for the Atlanta metro area. She's so conscientious.