Saturday, August 2, 2008

Who needs whales?

We went whale watching in Bar Harbor Maine today. The whales were being shy though so we mostly watched seals- which was cool in its own right, but not whales. Lucy fell asleep on her Papa's lap at the very beginning then he passed her to me after awhile. She hasn't slept in my arms like that in months so I spent my time Lucy watching. She was so beautiful. Soft long eyelashes lying on her smooth porcelain cheeks. I took stock of the tiny blond hairs on her forhead and the paint strokes that are her eyebrows. Her pink little lips pursed and fluttered in her dreams. I felt the warmth of her tiny body in my arms and thought to myself- who needs whales?


OlDad said...

Who needs whales, you ask? From Grandad's point of view, most of nature suffers by comparison to the Lucy. My grand daughters dfine "spectacular." Who needs whales?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How beautiful--Lucy and the words. I am so glad to know my grandbaby is not ever shorted in the maternal love department.