Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lazy Mama

I think of myself as a lazy Mama. I am not one of those moms that prepares a home cooked meal every night. I do not sew Lucy's clothes, bake her birthday cakes, scrapbook, hand craft cards, or iron (much). I do not pick up the toys more than once a day- she's just going to pull them back out so there's really no point till she's in bed anyway, and honestly, if I'm too tired after she goes to bed, they may lay on the floor in a disorderly fashion for a day or two. I do not become any less lazy on the weekends. I know Moms that work all week then on the weekend they host parties at their house, they go to four thousand different places and participate in 800 wonderful educational activities. I won't even join a book club because I think they might actually expect me to read a book on a deadline. I am in constant awe of the moms that seem to just go go go. On the weekend I am usually up for one major event (like going to the grocery store) then I'm done, but this weekend I have out done myself. Lucy and I have been on the move, and it's only Sunday! We still have lots to do today to prepare for two weeks without Papa, but here's a look at what we've done so far.
Trip to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens with Papa. As long as we've lived here we've never been before. The skywalk that they're advertising all over the place these days was under-whelming to say the least, but Lucy took out her map and found the Children's Garden that totally made up for the skywalk being disappointing.
A day in the life of Lucy. Poor kid always has a camera in her face- sometimes two.
Lucy wouldn't let Papa sit right next to her on the bench. She was cracking me up.
The we discovered the fountain in the Children's Garden. So naturally, this resulted in Lucy stripping down to her undies and going rogue in the water.
Saturday we went to Canton to check out our friend Maddy's neighborhood pool. Lucy had a blast. It's a great pool and we love spending time with Miss Marla, Mr. Kris, Maddy and baby Reese. We spent all day in Canton and even made a trip to the playground after naptime.
Twisty slide- very cool
Two silly girls!
In addition to all the fun I have also made ham and cheese pie and Tuscan chicken stew, gone grocery shopping, done all the laundry and restocked toilet paper in all the bathrooms. Today we grocery shop again (at the Farmer's market for fresh produce), do the ironing, make baked ziti, muffins, and hard boiled eggs. Phew! I'm going to have to hibernate for 5 months to recover. This is all so out of character for me- I don't know who I am any more.


Krs10 said...

Yeah that's way too much fun for one weekend! I'm gonna have to go take a nap after looking at all those cute pics!

Uncle Lanko said...

so, i've just spent the last couple days with my sister, brother-in-law and adorable niece Tracey. I love her to death. She is gorgeous. But everytime my Mom says "she's the most beautiful baby," I always say, she's tied for the most beautiful baby.

allison said...

Awwwww. That's sweet. You're the most beautiful Uncle Lanko.