Friday, October 15, 2010

Great Grandma's House

About a month ago Lucy and I took a trip to visit Lucy's Great Grandma. This is my mother's mother, my Grandma. We don't visit her enough. She lives in the country and life moves at a different pace. I'm about 4000% sure Great Grandma would not approve of her picture being on the internet. I won't tell her if you don't.
Lucy had so much fun at Great Grandma's house. Great Grandma doesn't have central heating and air (or if she does she just chooses not to use it) and she doesn't have cable, but she does have space. Lucy could just take off in the yard and run. I didn't have to worry she would be immediately smooshed by a car, but I was a bit concerned about snakes. We walked across the street to Uncle Herbert's house and picked apples and pears right off the tree. There were no cartoons only conversation.
I remember going to Grandma's house as a kid and exploring her yard. I remember being frustrated that she didn't have cable and really really wanting to touch that radiator even though I knew I shouldn't (and never did). Mom and Dad used to make Andrew and me help pick up pine cones out of the yard (two acres of wooded land). They always said that it built character, and to this day I want to know why all of the character building tasks out there are unpleasant. Couldn't my character improve with something enjoyable? I remember Grandma cooking in the kitchen and sitting on the deck. I remember riding in the back of Grandpa's truck.
We need to visit Great Grandma more often because I want Lucy's memories to be populated with happy memories of running in the country. I, however, will not make her pick up pine cones. If she grows up to have no character I will be entirely to blame.
We need to visit Great Grandma more often because we love her and enjoy her company. We need to visit Great Grandma more often because she likes seeing us (to a point :-) ). We need to visit Great Grandma more often because she won't be around forever.


Grannyl said...

Looks like a girl who knows she is precious!

uncle Lanko said...

family is awesome.