Saturday, May 7, 2011

Playing with the Band

I decided at about 3p on Cinco de Mayo that I wanted to try to eat Mexican food for dinner. This was a fools errand to begin with because the weather was absolutely gorgeous and everyone and their brother in Atlanta wanted to be eating a taco, sipping a margarita outside on Cinco de Mayo. We put our name in at two restaurants within walking distance of each other and started praying for a miracle (our name being called sometime before midnight). Twenty minutes later just as we were coming to our senses and discussing packing it up- our name was called. The winning restaurant had a live band playing. We thought Lucy would really like listening to the band play. When we sat down I said something along those lines. She looked at me with her most serious face and said "No, I want to play WITH the band."
The problem is, this is not my call. I can't just say "ok" and let her play with the band. Wes and I told her she could ask the waiter and if he said it was ok then she could ask the band. Before the waiter got back to our table though the band took a break and we noticed some older kids up on stage. Wes took Lucy up to the stage and she asked if she could play the drums. Because she is Lucy and no one ever tells her no- they said "Sure!" She then proceeded to wow the band members and her Papa.
She later suffered a mild meltdown because she figured out that playing at the drums wasn't the same as playing WITH the band. Specifically, she wanted to sing. Maybe I should get her an agent.


OlDad said...

Agents are for losers! Lucy can handle that herself. After all, no one can say no to La Luz!!

Uncle Lanko said...

she's definitely got star power.