Wednesday, June 6, 2012

When I'm a Mommy

I knew it would happen eventually- Lucy would start keeping a list of ways she would parent better and more brilliantly than Wes and me.  I just didn't know it was going to start so early. 

The past few nights bedtime has been more of a struggle than usual.  Mostly, I am just tired of hearing myself say "please get in the tub."  "get in the tub, please." "Lucy, get in the tub."  followed by "get out of the tub" x 50 then "Let's brush your teeth." x 50 then "Pick out a book" x 50, etc.  Until it's 9:15p and I'm irritated beyond all reason. 

I have decided to ask only once.  This results in very looooooong evenings, but at least I'm not driving myself insane.  Bedtime ends up being well after goal bedtime time and as a result we don't have time to read books.  I'm hoping that at some point in the future (please let it be sooner rather than later) this will click for Lucy and she'll realize- listening = in bed on time = bedtime stories.

She will probably be 24 when this clicks.

So last night at dinner we were casually discussing how we thought bedtime might go and I pointed out that if she followed directions we'd have time to read books.  She then states:

"Mommy, when I'm a Mommy and I have a baby I will always read them a bedtime story.  Even if it is late."

There it is folks- immortalized on the internet.  Lucy, when I'm a Granny I'm going to remind you that you said this and hold you to it.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Uncle Lanko said...

stand strong, Allison! You're fighting the good fight! Teach that little booger a lesson!