Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Prayer

I don't do a lot of the "parenthood is magical and the best thing that ever happened to me" stuff because the truth is being a parent is a whole lot of tired, a good deal of bodily fluids, mega chaos and a splash of whine.  It's my opinion that when we don't talk about the hard stuff and we tell everyone it's all sweetness and light we just set other parents up to feel like they're not doing a good job, and that's not cool.

That said, often, when I least expect, it I am smacked down by this overwhelming feeling of gratitude and wonder and I can't breath with the weight of how much I love my child.  Lucy was asleep (which might have had something to do with the gratitude) and I was folding her laundry.  I had just put down a little t-shirt and suddenly all I could think was "Thank you."

"Thank you, God for this child whose little body can't contain her big personality.  Thank you for the person she is and for whoever she's going to be.  Thank you for the dirt and the loud and the chaos.  Thank you for the person that I've become because of her."

And then for good measure I threw in- "please don't let me screw this up.  Amen"

1 comment:

GrannyL said...

Just one example of why I feel so blessed to have my very special daughter in law raising my very precious granddaughter.