Saturday, April 26, 2014


So proud of this girl! On Thursday I told her that we were going to watch her friend Haden do a triathlon in LaGrange. She wanted to know why she wasn't doing one. The answer- I didn't think she could do the swim. (Had my doubts about the 1.5 mile bike too, but kept that to myself) She insisted that she could and gave me the silent treatment for the rest of dinner. She brought it up the next day at breakfast and after school. I begrudgingly agreed that if they had on site registration I'd let her give it a go. The website said they did have on site registration. 

When we got there though, they said no on site registration. She shut down. Big silent tears rolled down her cheeks. My friend Danielle whipped out the print out from the website that said- on site registration. Lucy was in. 

The night before we'd practiced transition in my Mom's living room. When you are 6 years old the biggest hurdle of transition is shoes with laces and we hadn't prepared far enough in advance to get the stretchy laces for her shoes. 

I still didn't think she could handle the 50 meter swim. She jumped in with no fear. She looked like she was going under a couple of times and I could tell the lifeguards were nervous- one kept stretching his buoy out to her, but I could also see the look on her face and it said- I got this. 

She made it out of the water without help. She made it through transition with no help. She took off on her little bike with her kitty cat helmet on. She fell down. She got back up. She finished the bike and took off like a shot on the run. I was impressed with her run. She finished with an enormous smile on her face then ate everything in sight. It was so fun to witness her strength and determination. Now if we could just get her to train for the next one. 

1 comment:

Uncle Lanko said...

so proud of you, Lucy! You are incredible.