Wednesday, April 22, 2015

One Little Monkey

This little monkey hit her foot jumping off the bed on Monday.  She didn't complain about it at first but over the next two days kept saying the foot hurt and only walking on her toes on that foot.  Today, her teacher sent a note home and Lucy refused gymnastics so off to the hospital for x-rays we went.  Long story short - her foot is just fine.  It would be even finer if they'd given her the crutches she was angling for.  After what I can only imagine will be very expensive x-rays, the doctor said that it was likely just sore and to rest, ice, apply compression and elevate the foot.  Lucy asked "since it has to be elevated do I get crutches?"  Pretty sure that this is what the whole fiasco was about.  Also, after the nurse wrapped her foot in an ACE bandage he asked "is that better?" and she replied "yep!" then proceeded to hop off the exam table and saunter down the hall like a normal person.  If I weren't so irritated this would all probably be hilarious.

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