Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Toys Toys Toys

While her Papa is away Lucy has accumulated quite a few new toys. In general we try to limit the number of plastic toys she has, but I welcome hand-me-downs and the occasional gift. I recently came across this one toy in particular that she has really showed a lot of interest in at Marissa's house. It's called the Amazing Animal Choo Choo and she loves it. Danielle gave her a push walker thingy that she can cruise around the living room behind, and finally her Granny gave her this cool bear that sings and lights up. His name is Fisher. Not only is he fun but he tastes great too! Yesterday was Lucy's 9 month doctor's appointment. Her current stats are as follows: height: 26.5 inches weight: 16 lbs 9 oz She is definitely petite!


Wes said...

that is a giant ahirbow

OlDad said...

It may be a regular hairbow. . .remember she's a very petite young lady!

Wes said...

but she has a giant melon. so the point stands.