Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Potty Time

Quick update for those of you that don't follow me on facebook.  Lucy has recently started sporadically using the potty.  Tonight she peed in the potty for the third time.  I'm not really pushing it (mainly because I'm seriously freaked out by potty training paraphernalia) but I do ask her before dinner, after dinner and before and after bath time if she would like to use the potty.  She always says yes, but thus far has only delivered three times.  Again, there's no rush- I hadn't even really started thinking about potty training.  She gets very excited after she uses the potty because she gets to flush.  Man, does she love to flush!
I went to Target today looking for some of the before mentioned creepy paraphernalia and didn't have much luck finding what we needed.  Lucy just recently grew into her 18 month old sized clothes and even though everyone swears they make pull-ups, and training pants in small sizes the smallest I could find was a 2T, which isn't even close.  Looks like I'm gonna have to pay Mimsy to sew us some itty bitty training panties.  I'm going to cruise the internet for training pants now- wish me luck!


Uncle Lanko said...

the girl is a genius.

allison said...

I know- right!

OlDad said...
