Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baby Brain

You've heard of the dreaded "baby brain" the theory behind it being that the baby is sucking all your blood and nutrients so you can't think put together a coherent sentence. I'm here to tell you that it's true and it's only partially reversible once the baby arrives. To prove my point I am posting these pictures from a baby shower three dear friends threw me when I was pregnant with Lucy. I am sure that Marla gave me this CD with these pictures weeks after the shower, but today is the first time I've EVER laid eyes on them. At least the first time I remember. I stumbled on the CD while doing a little cleaning today. They were packed away with my office supplies. Well, I'm glad I found them and got to remember such a precious day. Also, if you gave me any pictures during this general time frame I'm going to need another copy.
What wonderful friends!
Note: the last picture is one of Haden and Lucy's first portraits together.


lindsey & lewis said...

I mean, WARNING, please. I saw the photo and thought, am I the last to know?!!

allison said...

Hahaha! sorry- no news to report here!

GrannyL said...


Madelyn Kenley Waters said...

I though the same thing when I first saw the pictures! But then I thought you were going to talk about the birthday invitations. What's left of my brain from the 1st pregnancy is now almost officially gone.