Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Funny Things She Says

Lucy says a hundred funny things everyday and I always tell myself I'll remember them and then by the end of the day they've faded away. I am going to try to remember and share a few of my favorites from the recent past in this post. If you've heard them before, I apologize, but everyone who knows me knows I'm notorious for telling the same stories over and over.

I told her she was smart and she replied: Yes, I am. Obama is president. (Wes has been quizing Lucy on politics recently)

Pointing at the Christmas tree: Look what I made!

In the Target parking lot: There's an owl in my nose.

After I told her we were going to meet our friend Cricket for dinner: We having dinner with grasshopper?

When Ella is acting nutty: Ah-la's freaking out (actually something Wes and I say all the time, but hearing your two year old say it is funny especially because she says Ah La instead of Ella)

To Wes in the car: Where we goin' next? To Leapin Lizards? To the zoo? To Ms. Bobbie's house? To farmer's market? To get some gas? To get a chicken nugget? To get some french fries? (Apparently, these are the places we take her most often?)

To Bobbie when she asked what she did this weekend: I put Dora in a box. (We undecorated the Christmas tree and she took the Dora ornament off and put it in the box)

When I put a headband on her for the first time: I'm a girl now!

When driving through West Point on the way home from Fantasy in Lights we pointed out we were in West Point.

She replied: No! It's MY point!

Wes said: No it's the name of the place. WesT point with a "T".

Lucy: It's MY point.

Wes: No I don't own it, not Wes's point, West Point.

Lucy: MYYYY point.

Wes: You are being irrational, I don't think you would even want West point if you knew what it was.

Lucy: It's MYYYY point.

(she apparently thought we said Wes's point)


allison said...

Another good one from tonight. She was upset with me about something then she said handing me the maracas she got for christmas: Can you make me happy again with the Muacawas (maracas)?

Uncle Lanko said...

the west point dialogue is a riot! this girl is full of hilarity and we love her for it!

allison said...

Here's another one:
Tonight Wes had some flatulence. Lucy burst out laughing and Wes asked "what's so funny?" Lucy replied "Papa makes good noises!"