Sunday, December 13, 2009

Liar Liar

Tonight Lucy told her first official lie. It was so darn cute I had trouble laying the smack down. In fact, the first two times she told the lie I let it slide, but had to call her out the third time.
Lucy did not nap today because she was too wired up from playing with Haden, then we went to his birthday party. She passed out in the car on the way home, and I had a hard time getting her to wake up for dinner. I decided to put her to bed early due to these circumstances. The usual night time battle ensued, but with a new twist this time. Usually, she lays in bed and chats and sings and fusses, but tonight I heard her get out of the bed (the one time squeaky floorboards actually come in handy).
I went up to see what was going on. When I opened the door she was standing in the middle of the room and she said "I fell out of the bed." Poor thing. I might have believed her if she did not then ask for her pillow and water, which I found along with her baby doll in the corner on the far side of the room. So I asked her how they ended up over there. She said "they fell out the bed too" Um hmmmm
I tucked her back in and went back downstairs. 5 minutes later the story repeats itself. The third time I went up I had to tell her that I knew she and her pillow, water, and doll had not fallen out of the bed and landed all the way across the room. I had to threaten her with loss of said doll if she got out of bed again. 20 minutes later she was asleep.

1 comment:

Uncle Lanko said...
