Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Pre-Show

The weekend before Easter we headed to Athens for a whirlwind weekend complete with a yard sale (hooray for getting rid of stuff!), a trip to Chuck-E-cheese, and an Easter egg hunt. One might think Lucy would have used this opportunity to hone her egg hunting skills, but on the actual day she didn't perform nearly as well (post to come).
Uncle Kevin hosted a pre- Easter weekend Easter egg hunt.
It took Lucy a little while to figure out what she was supposed to be doing, but once she did- there was no stopping her.
Since his parents refuse to update their blog- here is sweet Haden. He's looking pretty grown up don't you think? Lucy and Haden are such sweet friends. We are blessed to have him and his "no-blog-updating" family. Lucy and Haden were born within two weeks of each other. It is crazy (and a little sad) how fast they have changed from little lumps that couldn't hold up their own heads into these two sassy, smart, sweet little kids. That's right, not babies- kids.
There's something in this?
Candy- got it. 'nuf said.

1 comment:

Uncle Lanko said...

the girl likes her candy. great pics, guys!