I've been thinking about my Mommy peeps a lot in the past couple of days. I have several close Mommy friends, but only have pictures readily available of two so they're making the blog and I hope they don't mind.
Danielle is my oldest Mommy peep. We were friends from college and found out we were pregnant around the same time. We were actually due at the same time too. All during pregnancy we compared notes and reassured each other along the way that we weren't going crazy and that we were progressing normally through pregnancy. Today, we keep in touch, getting together as often as we can to compare notes. We reassure each other that we aren't going crazy or at least if we are going crazy we aren't going there alone. Lucy and Haden are excellent buddies. We have a long distance relationship, but I think we're both committed to making it last. Danielle is my Mommy friend that I let in on on the "real" stuff. She inspires me because she manages to work full time, raise a precious little boy and everytime I turn around she has volunteered for another fundraiser or another role at her church. I can't even bring myself to volunteer to walk out to the mailbox. She is super mom!
Catie is one of my newest Mommy peeps. She works with me at the hospital. She's a nurse so her job is quite a bit more graphic than mine, but she's a rockin' mom. We talk a lot about nursing, co-sleeping, attachment parenting, vaccinations, our crazy patients and their whacked out families among other things. One day Catie is going to talk her husband into letting her be a stay at home mom and I'm going to be so sad because she will leave me. If I ever get to be a stay at home mom I'm joining her play group. Her little boy Jack is super cute and let Lucy feed him french fries at a dinner date not too long ago. Catie is hard working and crazy smart. She is amazingly passionate about her family and specifically baby Jack. I look forward to the two days a week she works like a fat kid anticipates dessert.
Being a mother is the most challenging thing I have ever done. It is the hardest job. I spend every other minute second guessing myself and finding new things to worry about, but my Mommy friends help keep me grounded and help me to see what's really important when I'm lost in the trees. They make me smile and inspire me. I hope every Mom has a few close Mommy peeps. If you don't, let me know and I'll see if you can borrow mine.
1 comment:
That's the sweetest thing! Thanks for letting me be one of your mommy peeps!!!
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