Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Could/Should Do That

Since becoming a Mommy I have seen many things that are very cool and extremely pricey that I often think- I could make this.  Here is an example.  They are these very cool headbands that are essentially a piece of fabric attached to an elastic band.  Lucy owns 2.  I want 100 of them. I'm not going to tell you how much I paid because it's embarrassing.  They work great though and really are very cute.  The reason it's embarrassing that I purchased these is that they have to be incredibly easy to make yourself.  If only I could sew.
Other items that I should be making myself, but don't: hair bows (I own a hot glue gun I could totally do this), pacifier clips (I actually did make a couple of these and I think the product was quite nice, but they didn't hold up great with heavy use); pillowcase dresses (so cute and probably a cinch to make).  This is just a sampling of a few items that some brilliant Mommy decided to mass produce and make a ton of money selling.  I'm the sucker Mommy that buys the stuff.  


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Mimsy sew?

Anonymous said...

Sucker Mom!

allison said...

Well yes, anonymous- Mimsy does sew. However, she also teaches and manages Grand Dad's affairs. It keeps her pretty busy...