Wednesday, April 15, 2009

15 Month Check-up

Today Lucy had her 15 month doctor's visit.  She got stuck 3 times- MMR and varicella vaccines and a finger stick to check for anemia.  She did not enjoy being stuck.  She also cried at the beginning when she got weighed and measured.  I don't know why this bothered her- all I can figure is that she realized that she was the only nude person around and felt vulnerable.  She usually has no problem being the nude one.
Anyway, her current stats are as follows:
weight: 21 lbs 5 oz
height: 29.5 inches
head circumference- gi-normous
She remains firmly on the petite side but she's growing well on her own growth curve.  The doctor was impressed with her developmental milestones.  We did have another ear infection diagnosed (this makes 3 this year) and we're starting antibiotics and have to go back in 3 weeks for an "ear check."  Hopefully, everything will be clear and we can move on.  If not, I'm afraid that there will be rumblings of tubes and while I certainly do not want that- I also don't like exposing her to all of these antibiotics.
The most interesting development from this visit, in my opinion, is that the pediatrician allowed that her chronic runny nose and dry cough could, in fact, be due to allergies!  We were given the all clear to start antihistamines and see if they help.  I started her on Zyrtec last week and it does seem to be helping, but it's good to know the pediatrician is on board.  I am going to switch her to Claritin though because it's non-drowsy and the Zyrtec pretty much knocks her out (although that has it's advantages as well).  Hope all is well with our blog readers.  May your noses run clear and your ears stay dry!


OlDad said...

As cute as she is, I can understand how she might have a gi-normous head! I'm sorry she's having ear problems. Her Grandad had similar adventures. For the record, my nose IS running and my ears ARE clogged.

Uncle Lanko said...

ears are all good, but i've spent a life time of runny noses. Welcome to da club, Lucy.