Looks precious doesn't she? You want to snuggle her and smooch on her and put her in your pocket don't you? You're thinking "what a darling, precious child" aren't you? Well, you should have spent the day with her today. The pediatrician warned us at the last appointment that it's not really the "terrible twos" it's the terrible 18 months to 2 years she said. Little did we know that we should have asked Lucy to kindly step out of the room before the doctor gave us this little snippet of information. Lucy heard these words and decided not to wait another month for the fun to begin. Why not immediately start pitching temper tantrums, demanding to have your way ALL.THE.TIME and screaming an ear splitting and blood curdling scream when you don't get it. Why not go ahead and start resisting being buckled into your car seat, being fed with a spoon, taking medicine, and getting your diaper changed? That's right people looks can be deceiving and you do not want to put her in your pocket- she'd probably bite you.
P.S. Anybody want to babysit?
put the happy-go-lucky facade back---we are not ready for those realities over here!
Enjoy her now while she's immobile and untalkative :-)
I don't believe it. She looks so innocent.
A child only a Granny can love??? I'll still come babysit any time. (P.S. I don't remember Wes' terrible twos. Perfect child or selective amnesia?)
Perfect child.
I'm going to go with selective amnesia
If you ask me, Wes is in his terrible thirties. (or soon will be) ...what does that even mean? I don't know. Just commenting for commenting's sake.
Sign me up! I raise this one's Mom! I can handle it! ;-)
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