Monday, July 12, 2010

Long Weekend

If only every weekend could be a three day weekend. I think my job satisfaction would sky rocket. Thursday night got the weekend started off right with a grown-up girls' trip to the Fox to see the Phantom with my friend Danielle. It was a great time as usual with Danielle!
Friday, Lucy and I went to the aquarium while Wes played in a CNN soccer game. Lucy's mission on this trip to the aquarium was to put herself into every nook and cranny she could find.
Mission accomplished!
A nice stranger took our picture for us. Lucy looks like I'm squeezing her too hard and I look like I could use a nap. Fabulousness!
After the aquarium, we snagged a bite to eat at Baja Fresh. Lucy honed her knife skills for future use on Top Chef by slicing and dicing her grapes. Grapes are slippery so this is especially impressive for a 2.5 year old. Don't judge me for letting her play with a knife. It was plastic and she was thrilled.
Saturday in our quest to remain indoors as much as humanly possible (because just in case you missed it- it's so hot the pools have evaporated around here) we headed to reptile/gecko day at Fernbank. Lucy met an alligator. Note the purse on her left arm- it contained her princess cell phone "in case we need to call Papa"
Her favorite exhibit was the color shadows. She would have danced around in there all day. Unfortunately for her, my attention span could only tolerate it for two 5 minute spurts. I have a feeling that one day me saying "Lucy, I'm bored of this now" is going to come back and bite me.
It's not a snake. It's a blue tongued skink.
Saturday night Lucy's friend Amelia came to play. We made our own pizzas and played with all of Lucy's toys. The girls were particularly musical that night they sang, played drums and the recorder. It was very soothing.
It was an excellent weekend. Could we just put it on repeat please?

1 comment:

Uncle Lanko said...

so much fun! boy, does that girl love the aquarium. Those color shadow things were always one of my favorites as a kid. Although, there weren't any colors, just shadows. May all your weekends be three days long.