Friday, July 2, 2010

Storytime Live

We recently took Lucy to Storytime Live at the Fox theater. I was excited that she would get to see the inside of the Fox for the first time because it is one of my favorite places in Atlanta. She didn't seem to really get how cool of a place it was, but she was pretty psyched about the live action on stage. I was a big ol' theater nerd at one point in my life so getting to share our first theater experience together was fun. Granted, it was Storytime Live, which means I sold my soul to the over marketed faux educational crap that I hate. In our defense, we did not buy any of the plastic over priced crappety crap that they want you to. We did spend about $40 on a small bag of popcorn and a juice box though. Overall, I think Lucy had a good time, and I'd probably do it again.
So excited to see Kai Lan! (probably her favorite act)
Don't ask her to say "cheese" or you get this. Hilarious.
Thank you Papa for totally selling out and buying me tickets to this thing that I don't really understand, but LOVE anyway!
In other news, this was an excellent opportunity to see some super fantastic parenting. I guess that with that many families there you're sure to see a wide range of parenting styles. The "feeding your kid soda and swearing at them when they can't sit still for 2 hours" kind was my favorite.

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