Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bunny on the Move

Today Lucy got an Easter Basket in the mail from her Aunt Mandie.  We are saving the rest of the items in her basket for Easter Sunday, but we couldn't resist taking the bunny hat for a test drive this morning.  She ended up wearing it for the better part of the day- she even napped in it.  Thank you Aunt Mandie!  We'll post pictures of her with her basket on Easter too.
Lucy has made some progress this week with her motor skills.  She has occasionally been flipping over from front to back (the books say this is easier and usually the first way they flip)- well Miss Lucy decided this week to start flipping the other way too (from back to front).  I noticed today when I put her down in her pack-n-play while I put my hair into a ponytail.  When I came back she was on her tummy.  I mentioned this to her Papa over dinner tonight- very proud of my new discovery and he says "Oh yeah I saw her do that a couple of days ago."  Me: "So you were going to keep this a secret for how long?" Papa: "I didn't think it was a big deal."
You see if it's something that he already knows how to do he is not impressed.  I guess she's going to have to learn how to do acrobatics to impress Papa.  :-)  Anyway, I'm pretty impressed and proud of my little Lucy!


Anonymous said...

or maybe sing...


Good job, Lucy! We're very proud of your progress. And awesome hat!

dehumidifier said...

Aww, I like how she's waving at us in the first pic. (This is Jill, btw.)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Uncle Lanko gets points for having great taste in baby fashion! That hat was cute on the rack, but Miss Lucy is definitely America's Next Top Baby Model!!! I'm glad she like it. Really, her Easter basket was mostly for Mommy. I figured that all children deserve chocolate for Easter, but all Mommies of babies who cannot yet eat chocolate deserve to eat said candy from their child's basket.