Friday, February 8, 2008

Back to Work

Lucy just found out that her mommy is for sure going back to work starting 2/25.  I am a little nervous about the whole prospect.  Mommy has gone to school for a long time and has a fancy degree and lots of information stored in her brain so it would really be a shame (and financially impossible due to the governments stubborn insistence that she pay back her student loans) to not use all that learning at work.  That said- my heart breaks at the thought of missing one smile or tear.
Lucy and Papa reassure me that all will be well, and my brain knows that it's true, but it's going to be tough on my heart.  Last night Lucy got expressed breast milk in a bottle from Papa for dinner- and it made me cry!  Silly mommy.  It was nice for Papa and Lucy to have that time together, but I was jealous.  Feeding is supposed to be my gig.  Lucy didn't seem to mind though, and Papa really liked it. We're all going to be ok.


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you(Allison), having been there before--but Lucy will not only survive but prosper I am sure. And I have a sneaking suspision that she will be proud of "Dr. Little" as long as she always knows she really comes first in your heart.

Anonymous said...

Don't be any more nervous than you have to be. . .we're here to back you up!