Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Play Time

Lucy loves her playmat- especially the star on top.  She smiles at it and talks to it- and I haven't even put any batteries in it yet!  In this picture she started off dead center then managed to wriggle herself in a clockwise circle until she ended up here.  One of the dangling objects is a picture of a kitten.  Sometimes Lucy kicks at it with her feet and her Papa cheers and encourages this behavior.  He had to take our cats to the vet by himself a couple of weeks ago- and where there was once mild dislike and apathy there is now blinding hatred (even after the cats got prozac and xanax- it was not a good experience for anyone).  So Papa thinks "kick the kitty" is a fun game for Lucy to play.
Lucy also has tummy time on her playmat.  She only tolerates this for a little while, but we force her to have tummy time at least a little everyday so develop her muscles for crawling.  She grunts and moans like it is the hardest work in the world (and I guess it probably is for her).  She gets stronger everyday though and she'll thank me for making her put in the hard work when she can motor around the house on all fours in a couple of months.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Lanko could use a little work on his tummy.

/no comment on kicking the cats.

Anonymous said...

HA! "Kick The Kitty!" I won't be doing that any more. Cats are so cute!